International Museum Day

Museum Day is a special opportunity to talk about the social and economic reality in which museums operate in Israel and around the world.
Join us for a special day on April 29, 2021
10:00 Gathering and free tour of the exhibits on display in the museum complex

10:30 Gallery talk at the “East” exhibition on display at the Museum of Islamic and Near Eastern  Culture, with artist Leoni Schein and curator of the exhibition Dr. Sharon Laor-Sirak. Afterwards, there will be a gallery talk at the “Pandora’s Box” exhibition at the Negev Museum of Art, with artist Adi Fluman and the museum’s  associate curator Nirit Dahan.

12:10 Coffee break and light refreshments
12:30 The role of museums and future directions: Discussion with the participation of the artists  Leoni Shane and Adi Fluman and with Oded  Shoham- Director of the museums, Dr. Sharon Laor-Sirak – Curator of the Museum of Islamic and Near Eastern Culture , Nirit Dahan – Associate curator and collection manager and Moshe Balmas – Head of education
On this day, admission to the museum complex is free!
To register: or call: 8557 *

The Flying Camel

A fun workshop in which the children will experience the printing technique and create a canvas bag with a special personal design, based on an image from the exhibition “East” which is now on display in the Museum of Islamic and Near Eastern Culture.

The workshop will be accompanied by a guided tour of the “East” exhibition at the Museum of Islamic and Near Eastern Culture.

The workshop will take place on two dates: Wednesday, 31.3 and Thursday 1.4 at 14:00

Participation fee: 35 NIS


or dial 8557 *

Comics – Mix

A fun and creative workshop where we will create works inspired by the comics exhibition “Panels Outfit” on display at the museum.

The children will experience creating comics on an unconventional substrate in engraving and watercolors for a unique product.

The workshop will be accompanied by a guided tour of the “Panels Outfit” exhibition at the Negev Museum of Art

The workshop will be held on two dates: Wednesday, 31.3 and Thursday, 1.4 at 11:00

Participation fee : 35 NIS


 or dial *8557

From Mosaic to Pixel

A creative workshop in which we will create colorful and original mosaics inspired by an ancient mosaic displayed in the Museum of Islamic and Near Eastern Culture,  and Contemporary Digital Art.

The workshop will be accompanied by a guided and experienced tour of the “East” exhibition on display at the Museum of Islamic and Near Eastern Culture

 The workshop will take place on two dates: Monday, 29.3 and Tuesday, 30.3 at 14:00

Participation fee: 35 NIS


or dial *8557

Curator’s tour in the exhibition “East”

A special tour with the curator of the exhibition “East” – Dr. Sharon Laor-Sirk.

Sharon will explain about the exhibition at the Museum of Islamic and Near Eastern Culture, introduce the audience to the participating artists and their uniqueness in the field of art and design.

The special tour will take place on two dates: Monday, March 29 and Wednesday, March 31 at 11:30 


or dial *8557

Curator’s tour in the exhibition “Panel Outfit”

A special tour with the co-curator of the exhibition “Panels Outfit” – Nirit Dahan.

Nirit will take you on a tour of the comics’ squares, explain what a comic is and give an extensive overview of the special exhibition at the museum.

The special tour will take place on two dates: Monday, 29.3 and Wednesday, 31.3 at 10:30


or dial *8557

Look for the Afiko – Man!

Let’s look for the Afiko-Man!

It is strong, it is dry and it is kosher.

A fascinating game for the whole family throughout the museums complex.

The game will be accompanied by a guided tour of the exhibition “Panels Outfit” at the Negev Museum of Art and the exhibition “East” at the Museum of Islamic  and Near Eastern Culture.

The game will take place on two dates: Monday, 29.3 and Tuesday, 30.3 at 10:00

Price: 20 NIS


Or dial *8557




Lecture: Plants, Poetry and German Romance

A lecture within the lectures series “What the researchers say:  art, science and technology”

Dr. Ofri Ilani – “Plants, Poetry and German Romance”

Thursday, March 19, at 10:30 p.m.

Poets and thinkers of German Romanticism have developed theories about plants that look most strange in contemporary view. They used plants to talk about sexuality, art and politics. The lecture will present Johann Wolfgang Goethe’s Theory of Plants, which sought to provide an alternative to Newton’s mechanistic concept of nature, and the plant fantasies of poets and naturalists in the 19th century.

At the end of the lecture there will be a guided tour of the exhibition Listening to Trees Across the Jordan River”

Entrance fee:  40 NIS  / Registration at the Museum box / Number of places limited



Lecture – Plants dies differently – a glimpse into their next world

A lecture within the lectures series “What the researchers say:  art, science and technology”

Dr. Buzzi Reviv – “Plants dies differently – a glimpse into their next world”

Thursday, March 12 at 10:30 p.m.

We all know that plants live differently. But in recent years we are beginning to realize that there are interesting differences between us in the manner of death. In this lecture, we will take a look at some of the fascinating revelations about the death of plants and glimpses into their next world.

At the end of the lecture there will be a guided tour of the exhibition Listening to Trees Across the Jordan River”

Entrance fee: 40 NIS  / Registration at the Museum box / Number of places limited